Factors that Can Impact Assault Charges
Sometimes situations can spiral out of control, and the police might be called as a result. Every situation is different, and there are always moving factors that can influence the way an altercation plays out. Continue reading to learn about some of the factors…
Gun Violence in Arizona
In 2015, the state of Arizona received two number one rankings related to gun ownership. While Guns and Ammo magazine ranked Arizona as the best state for gun owners, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence also called Arizona the best state for criminals…
The Justice System
Look at this cartoon. It is funny but it also illustrates a common issue. People don't know the process of the criminal system. Unless you or a loved one is charged there may be no reason to know it. But you should, just like…
New Sentencing Bill Will Help Prosecutors Coerce Guilty Pleas From Drug Defendants
It’s already easy enough for attorneys do coerce a guilty plea from a defendant in a drug case: 97% of federal drug defendants end up pleading guilty. If that number sounds high, prepare for it to possibly go higher thanks to the new Sentencing…
What You Should Know About Medical Marijuana Laws in Arizona
The marijuana plant contains chemicals called cannabinoids, which have been proven effective in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions and the symptoms they cause. In the state of Arizona, the possession of marijuana for medical purposes is legal under certain circumstances. Understanding…
What Drivers Should Do When Pulled Over on Suspicion of DUI
If arrested for a DUI in Arizona, you are required to submit to a blood, breath, or urine test because of Arizona’s implied consent law. According to Arizona law, if the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe you are driving while under the…