Things to Never Say to a Police Officer

Interacting with a police officer can be nerve wracking, especially if you have been pulled over or have the police at your residence. Still, it’s important to keep your cool and know what to say (and what not to say), so that you don’t incriminate yourself during the conversation or agitate the police officer and commit a crime in the process. Below you’ll see some of the absolute worst things you could say while talking to any law enforcement officer.
“Do you know who I am?”
Even if you have a high status in the community or connections to the local police department, no one is above the law. Attempting to flaunt status in an interaction with the police is ill-advised, because it likely will not get you out of trouble, and it may frustrate the officer you’re talking to.
“My taxes pay your salary.”
Though it can be frustrating to get pulled over, you should not take that out on the officer with belittling statements, such as “I pay your salary.” Sure, tax dollars pay for law enforcement, but this does not give taxpayers any power over police officers, and trying to elevate your status with these types of statements is not likely to win you any favor.
“I don’t know what I was doing wrong.”
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law, and a cop will be quick to remind you of that if you play dumb—especially if it’s clear which laws you were breaking. If you ever aren’t sure what to say, the best strategy is to say nothing beyond basic answers to an officer’s questions.
If you’ve made missteps in a police confrontation that have ended with criminal charges, Janet Altschuler, attorney at law, is ready to come to your defense. For a look at her services or to schedule a consultation, call (520) 247-1789.