Getting a Restraining Order after a Domestic Violence Case? Here’s What to Know
In Arizona, a person can file a restraining order or order of protection against a family member, domestic partner, someone they are or were in a romantic relationship with, or someone they are or were living with in a romantic capacity. An injunction against…
What to Do if You’ve Been Wrongfully Accused of Domestic Violence
If you have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, you may be feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or frightened. A domestic violence conviction can have a serious impact on your social and professional prospects. However, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself from…
What Are Some Potential Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges?
Although most people picture domestic violence as an incident between romantic partners, any time there is an altercation involving people who are related who reside in the same home, these charges can be filed. Domestic violence charges are especially serious, because standard policy is…
Answering Common Questions About Domestic Violence Cases
Domestic violence charges are among the most serious charges you can face in Tucson. Once you are charged with a domestic violence-related crime, then the case can quickly take on a life of its own. In addition, there are fewer avenues for dismissing or…
What Is Disorderly Conduct Related to Domestic Violence?
In Arizona, domestic violence isn’t a specific code under the law, but rather, it is a distinction tied to other kinds of crimes. Specifically, crimes are usually categorized as domestic violence offenses when the victim is related in some way to the accused. If…
What Happens If I Violate a Restraining Order?
A restraining order is intended to protect an alleged victim. Usually, they are issued in domestic violence cases. If a restraining order has been issued against you, it’s absolutely essential to follow it to the letter. Talk to a criminal defense attorney if you’re…