What Is Disorderly Conduct Related to Domestic Violence?

In Arizona, domestic violence isn’t a specific code under the law, but rather, it is a distinction tied to other kinds of crimes. Specifically, crimes are usually categorized as domestic violence offenses when the victim is related in some way to the accused. If you’ve been charged with disorderly conduct related to domestic violence, where is what you need to know about this offense.
Disorderly Conduct Basics
In Arizona, disorderly conduct—also called disturbing the peace—is a misdemeanor crime that occurs when someone intentionally causes disruption to a neighborhood, family, or person. The crime becomes a class six felony if a weapon is involved. Actions that count as disorderly conduct include making unreasonable noise, fighting, using abusive language, or purposely creating a commotion to interfere with a business, meeting, or gathering. Refusing to leave an area after being advised to do so by law enforcement or displaying a weapon recklessly can also be charged as disorderly conduct.
Disorderly Conduct Related to Domestic Violence
Domestic violence becomes part of disorderly conduct charges when the person targeted by the disorderly conduct is related to the defendant in some way. Under Arizona law, a domestic relationship exists if people are or were married, have shared the same household, have a child or are expecting a child. The relationship also exists between people who are related by blood or legal marriage or if the people involved in the case have or previously had a romantic relationship. Additionally, if the person targeted is a child that shares the same household as the accused, domestic violence laws will apply.
Tacking a domestic violence charge onto another offense can have serious consequences, including court-mandated counseling and restraining orders. If you’re facing these charges, let Janet Altschuler’s experience work for you. Find out how our criminal defense lawyer in Tucson can fight for your rights by calling (520) 247-1789.