Protect Yourself, Protect Your Rights. It Isn’t Just a Misdemeanor.

Criminal Law Blog

North Dakota, Pretzels, and Beer: Yes, These Things Are Somehow Connected

As an American, you’re free to have whatever food and drink combination you want. If you so choose, you can have red meat and Kool-Aid, Diet Coke and goat cheese, or orange juice and pickles. However, there’s one food and drink combination that’s forbidden…

You Can’t Sell Your Children in Florida…the Most Obvious Law Ever

Parenthood is hard. After months or years of sleepless nights, some parents may daydream about the disappearance of their children. New parents might casually joke about selling their children on the black market and fetching enough money for a lengthy jaunt to Barbados. Unfortunately…

Don’t Let Your Dog Pursue a Bear or Bobcat in California- it’s Illegal!

Hunting has a long tradition in the United States. A good dog and a trusty rifle were especially important for taming the California frontier during the 19th century. However, most people agree that modern-day California is civilized—even despite the wild antics of some Hollywood…

Why Can’t No More Than Six Women Can Live Together in Maricopa County, Arizona?

In Florida, it’s illegal to break more than three dishes in a day; in Louisiana, you can get fined $500 for having a pizza delivered to someone without their knowledge. There’s no denying that this country’s legislators have passed some strange laws; however, everyday…

Why You Need a Lawyer If You Are Charged with Theft

Like most people, you probably don’t expect to get in trouble with the law. However, there are a number of circumstances that could end with you in handcuffs. For example, your arrest could be the result of simply being in the wrong place at…

Eating Roadkill in West Virginia

Imagine coming home after a long day at work. You detect an odd but intriguing scent from the kitchen as your partner yells, “Dinner’s ready!” You sit down at the table and your partner slides a plate of strange-looking meat in front of you.…

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