Protect Yourself, Protect Your Rights. It Isn’t Just a Misdemeanor.


What Is Probable Cause for Arrest in a DUI Case in Arizona?

Probable cause refers to an officer’s reasonable grounds for search and seizure, entering a home or business, making a traffic stop, handcuffing someone, detaining someone, or arresting someone. Without probable cause, an officer does not have the right to perform these actions. To protect…

What is diversion, and how does it work?

If you have ever been arrested for a domestic violence (or DV) offense, you might recall the cop or deputy giving you some unsolicited advice about diversion. “Oh don't worry”, he or she may have said, “you will get diversion and the charge will…

The Lasting Consequences of Misdemeanor Convictions

[caption id="attachment_891" align="alignleft" width="3853"] The investigator takes fingerprints from the suspect in the crime. Investigation is a crime.[/caption] While misdemeanor convictions do not carry the same severe penalties as felonies, these are still serious charges that can follow you for life. Unfortunately, many people…


Judges, lots of brand new judges in Pima County Justice Court and Pima County Superior Court. When you are charged with a crime, either felony or misdemeanor, it is important to make sure some thought goes into having the right judge for your case.…

What Constitutes Assault?

In the past, assault and battery were considered two different situations, as well as two separate charges. However, in today’s legal system, assault has come to mean both the threat of physical harm and the actual act of physically harming another person. Understanding the…

Kansas: Dumb Laws from the Sunflower State

The Midwestern state of Kansas is home to the rolling Great Plains and a thriving aviation and agriculture industry. Despite its reputation as a down-to-earth state, Kansas is also home to some dumb laws you might be inclined to disbelieve. Persons may not “screech”…

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