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Criminal Law Blog

What Happens When Your Charges Are Dropped?

If you are accused of a crime in the state of Arizona, and subsequently charged, there is no way to avoid some type of legal action. However, not every charge that is brought to court will be followed through. In some cases, the prosecution…

Highlighting Our Gun Crime Legal Services

In the United States of America, and by extension the state of Arizona, you have the right to possess a firearm as long as you follow the appropriate legal procedures. If obtained and licensed legally, you can use a firearm as a measure for…

Tips For Finding a Job with a Criminal Record

In addition to legal penalties like prison sentences and fines, a criminal conviction can have another unintentional consequence: It can negatively impact your ability to find a job. Many employers will hesitate to hire individuals with criminal convictions, and many jobs may not even…

How Arizona Handles Criminal Assault Cases

Criminal assault is a very serious crime, and anyone prosecuted can receive severe punishments if they are convicted of this felony. In the state of Arizona, an individual convicted of felony aggravated assault could face consequences like restitution, prison time, financial penalties, a criminal…

You’ve Been Charged with Drug Possession in Arizona. What Comes Next?

Being charged with drug possession in the state of Arizona is no laughing matter. Many charges related to drug possession are felonies, which can have a lasting impact on your life and your freedom. Whether you were accused of possessing narcotics or street drugs,…

How Important is it to Get the Right Lawyer for an Embezzlement Case?

Embezzlement may not be a violent crime, but it is still a serious offense. If you have been accused of embezzlement in the state of Arizona, you could face heavy penalties, including prison time and fines. Additionally, if you are convicted, it could have…

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