Protect Yourself, Protect Your Rights. It Isn’t Just a Misdemeanor.

Why are domestic violence cases so common?

Tucson courts are absolutely filled to the brim with domestic violence cases. I’ve thought a lot about why this is— as well as whether or not it always been this way— and I’ve discovered that the answers to these questions are not simple ones.…

Why You Can’t Always Count on Being “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

The United States’ criminal justice system is based upon the tenet that individuals are always “innocent until proven guilty.” This means that when an individual is tried for a crime, the burden of proving his guilt rests with the prosecution. However, despite the fact…

How a Conviction Can Get in the Way of Your Travel Plans

A criminal conviction can affect your life in many ways, from your ability to attain the jobs you want to your freedom to travel. The travel difficulties faced by individuals varies by offense and conviction, making it essential to understand how the charges you…

Wisconsin’s Wackiest Laws

Wisconsin is one of America’s northernmost states, boasting an extensive coastline along the Great Lakes, a diverse and beautiful landscape, and lots and lots of cows. As America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin is home to more than 5 million proud Cheeseheads along with a handful of…

A Look at Iowa’s Dumbest Laws

Aside from being a state that is famously forgotten between presidential elections due to its low population and endlessly flat topography covered in corn fields, Iowa is home to a wealth of dumb and downright weird laws that might help you remember that the…

South Dakota: Majestic Mountains and Ludicrous Laws

You might know South Dakota as the home of one of America’s most recognizable monuments, Mount Rushmore. However, South Dakota offer much more than finely sculpted mountain ranges. It offers a rich tapestry of fun qualities, including the 5th lowest population of any state,…

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