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Criminal Law Blog

What You Need to Know About Gun Laws in Arizona

July 23, 2021

Arizona has some of the most permissive gun laws in the country, but there are still laws in place regarding who can own firearms and how they can be used. In the context of criminal cases, crimes that involve the use of a firearm are subject to stiffer penalties. Further, after being convicted of a felony, you will lose your right to own a gun. Here are the facts you need to know about gun laws in Arizona. 

Minimum Age

Under state law, no one under the age of 18 can own a firearm. Federal law goes further and prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from owning a handgun. In Arizona, there are exceptions for people between the ages of 14-17 in specific instances. As long as they are with a parent, guardian, or gun safety instructor, people between the ages of the 14 and 17 can use a firearm in a recreational activity, like hunting, or in the course of agricultural work. People in this age group can also transport firearms on their way to a recreational activity. 

Ownership and Carrying

There are no permit requirements for owning or selling firearms in Arizona, and there is no waiting period required for purchasing a gun. Residents are not required to have a license to own a weapon, and there are no concealed carry permits required. However, gun owners can request a concealed carry permit from the state, in order to obtain the benefit of carrying their guns in other states that have a reciprocal permitting relationship with Arizona. 

Gun Ownership After Felony Convictions

People who have been convicted of felonies lose their right to own a gun in Arizona. Anyone convicted of any kind of domestic violence offense will also lose their right of gun ownership. It is possible, in some cases, to have those rights restored with the help of a criminal defense attorney. 

Being accused of using a gun in the commission of a crime can incur lengthier sentences, while being convicted of any felony will result in the termination of your gun ownership rights. If you’re facing criminal charges, you need an experienced defense lawyer in Tucson like Janet Altschuler by your side, fighting for your rights at every step. Dial (520) 200-5003 to set up a consultation for your case today.

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