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Criminal Law Blog

A Quick Look at Arizona’s Sex Offender Registry

December 4, 2020

Arizona’s sex offender registry is designed to keep communities safe, but for offenders, it can have serious consequences. If you are accused of a sex offense, get a criminal defense attorney to represent you early in your case to ensure your rights are protected. Here is an overview of how the sex offender registry works in Arizona. 

Registration Requirements

Arizona began their sex offender registry in 1996. Over the years, the registry has evolved in response to federal and state regulations. Today, offenders who are convicted of 20 types of sex offenses are required to register in their communities within 10 days of being released from incarceration. Additionally, any offender who relocated is required to register their new address within 72 hours of moving. Failing to register within the appropriate timeframe is a Class 4 felony. 

Risk Levels

Each person on the sex offender registry has an associated risk level. These risk levels are determined by whichever state agency is in charge of the custody of the offender, using a standardized process called the Arizona Risk Assessment. The Arizona Risk Assessment uses 19 different criteria to judge the risk profile of a person. Each criterion is associated with a number of points, and then the points are added up to determine the risk level. Although everyone in the state has to use the Arizona Risk Assessment to assign risk levels, local law enforcement has the ability to adjust risk levels based on new information they receive or to request that the assigned risk level be reviewed. 

Residency Restrictions

There are certain restrictions that come with being on the sex offender registry. Offenders cannot live within 1,000 feet of their victims, unless the victim provides written consent. Level three offenders with convictions for crimes involving children cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center. In highly populated areas, law enforcement officers can also add additional restrictions to prevent too many offenders from living in concentrated areas. 

Being placed on the sex offender registry can have lifelong implications. Janet Altschuler understands the criminal justice system in Arizona and knows how to fight for your rights. If you’re charged with a sex crime in Tucson or another criminal offense, dial (520) 247-1789 to get the representation you need.

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